Consortium of Slovenian school centres consists of 7 biggest school centres for vocational education and training in Slovenija.
With our common professional potential we want to establish permanent development and offer of Slovenian VET and life long learning for young people, adults, employed and unemployed people, companies and craftsmen.
Willingness, trust, creativity, new challenges and common interests are our guidance, which enable us to achieve good results at national as well as at international level.
We improve our results constantly in the following fields:
– Development of:
- educational programmes and other training programmes
- methods and initiatives for improvement of professional knowledge of teachers
- model of Intercompany training centres
– Implementation of various projects on the topics “development , improvement, innovation of VET” and “partnership VET schools-companies”
– International mobility of students and teachers.
Consortium exists since 2003. At the moment the registration of consortium as one legal body is in the process. The registration is going to be done till the end of 2014.
In the last 10 years the consortium has implemented many national projects funded by European social fund.
All the Consortium projects deal with development, improvement and innovation of VET. The finacial value of the projects range from 200.000,00 Eur to 7 MIO Eur. There were two biggest project happening between 2006 and 2012, MUNUS and MUNUS 2. The last one was the biggest ESF in Slovenija.
- In MUNUS the Consortium of School Centres in the name of Ministery of Education developed VET programmes according to the labour market needs and new starting points.
- MUNUS 2 was a five- year project (from 2008 – 2012) in the frame of which a professional support was given to 82 slovenian VET schools who were implementing the new vocational programmes developed according to the labour market demands and new starting points confirmed by Slovenian national council for VET in 2001- programmes developed in MUNUS. The support was offered by the best consortium experts for VET in the following fields of VET: mechanical engineering, electro technical engineering, wood processing, transport, ICT, mechatronics, construction, health care, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, catering and tourism, textile, etc. The programmes consists of modules; they are internationally comparable; combine general, professional and practical knowledge; enable interdisciplinary combinations and connections to the labour market/companies (20% of open curricula preparing together with the employers) and better employability for students.
The project was dealing with six main fields:
– Implementing- and open- curriculum, assessment of knowledge, minimal standards, on the job training
– recognition of non-formal learning
– portfolios for students
– new learning materials
– quality assurance
– promotion of VET.